Monday, April 17, 2017

What to Consider Before Choosing an Insurance CE Provider

No doubt insurance continuing education benefits many insurance professionals who sell insurance products independently in their respective state. However, getting insurance renewal is a bit difficult task for two reasons.
  •  Varying state’s insurance continuing education (CE) requirements.
  • Lack of time for traditional classes to get insurance CE.
In this situation, choosing a reliable insurance CE provider is the key!

If you are an insurance agent who needs to renew his/her licensing, you have to enroll for an insurance CE course that satisfies your state’s CE requirements. 

Many insurance CE provider offer online self-study CE courses for insurance professionals. However, not all of them give the same level of services. 

No need to worry as this post explains things that you should consider before shortlisting an insurance CE provider. Read on!

Courses should be State-Approved

The first thing you should notice is whether the offered courses are state-approved. Almost every state now requires professionals to fulfill a subject-particular insurance CE course as a part of their CE recruitments. It usually includes long-term care CE continuing education training, annuities training, ethics training, and flood insurance training. So, whenever you choose an insurance CE provider, make sure it offers state-approved courses. 


Mode of Education along with Support

As mentioned in the beginning, time is the big issue for insurance professionals. So, the next thing you should consider is the course delivery method and customer support. May insurance CE providers offer self-study online mode to make learning easier at the convenience of insurance agents. Customer support is crucial because imagine you forgot your password and need to check the status of your insurance CE course, you provider must provide assistance not just for this situation, but any help you need regarding online CE course.

Courses CE Package Covers

Many insurance CE providers offer “All CE” in one package at discounted price. So, before you get overwhelmed with offer, do check what the course CE package covers. For instance, if you need to get long term care (CE) continuing education, it must be included in that package. Otherwise, it will be useless to you. Apart from it, also check the features they offer with CE package.

Online Printable Certificates

It is important to check whether the iowa insurance CE continuing education provider offer services for complimentary next-day reporting and online printable certificates. Choose an insurance CE provider that understands the significance of reporting insurance CE course and offers quick access to their certificate of completion.


Follow the points as mentioned above to select the right insurance CE provider because it is crucial for profession.

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