Sunday, April 8, 2018

How to Choose Right Insurance Continuing Education Company?

Are you aware of the best way to complete insurance continuing education? Can you complete your Anti-Money Laundering Continuing Education quickly and efficiently? You might have been wasting hours in attending live classes. But does it make any sense? You should be attending live sessions if you have time to spend on one-course and it is significant to your business as well. Next time if you are planning for insurance continuing education, just put on your thinking cap. Just recall whether you have got the much needed attention when you needed it the most. Or you had to deal with voice mail. When you left a message for them, did you receive a call back? All in all, did you receive the services when you needed them the most?  You should be looking for a company where there is live person to address all your needs. Here are few other things that you have to pay attention to:
    A large number of credit hours per course
    Lower prices for courses offered
    Facility of getting a certificate printed from website
    Prompt service in case you need it.
Well, the list is long; just click here to know more about it!

Wednesday, September 6, 2017

Why Do You Need Continuing Education?

Insurance professionals have to update themselves as the regulations change continuously, and the products keep on upgrading. In a highly competitive industry like insurance clients demand information before making a purchase decision and then the agent must be able to satisfy customers with his know-how. And it can come only from continuing education. Canadian insurance continuing education will help you in meeting the requirements of your province. There are online self-study courses available with Success CE. You just have to choose your state and the license type and select your continuing education courses. The education is important, as many research reports suggest that role of the advisors is critical for the clients and they must be updated to render best in class services and help them choose the right product. So it better that agent goes for the continuing education as required by the law. To know more click here.

Tuesday, July 4, 2017

Insurance CE Continuing Education: How Can You Fulfill Your Insurance CE Requirements...

Insurance CE Continuing Education: How Can You Fulfill Your Insurance CE Requirements...: The term CE or continuing education for an insurance professional is wide and vast because each state and province differ in rules &...

How Can You Fulfill Your Insurance CE Requirements?

The term CE or continuing education for an insurance professional is wide and vast because each state and province differ in rules & regulations. They also differ regarding the guidelines associated with issuing or renewing insurance CE license. It may be confusing for an insurance professional but paying a little attention will bring the right information you need. If we talk about Canadian insurance continuing education requirements, the Canadian Federation includes 13 political divisions with 10 provinces and 3 territories. Each one has their own regulations for life agents, excluding four – Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, Prince Edward Island, and Newfoundland and Labrador. Insurance in entire Canada is regulated at provincial and federal level. Similarly, CE credits for life insurance also varies among different provinces and to get more about it, go through How to meet the compulsory Canadian Insurance Continuing Education Requirements?

Monday, April 17, 2017

What to Consider Before Choosing an Insurance CE Provider

No doubt insurance continuing education benefits many insurance professionals who sell insurance products independently in their respective state. However, getting insurance renewal is a bit difficult task for two reasons.
  •  Varying state’s insurance continuing education (CE) requirements.
  • Lack of time for traditional classes to get insurance CE.
In this situation, choosing a reliable insurance CE provider is the key!

If you are an insurance agent who needs to renew his/her licensing, you have to enroll for an insurance CE course that satisfies your state’s CE requirements. 

Many insurance CE provider offer online self-study CE courses for insurance professionals. However, not all of them give the same level of services. 

No need to worry as this post explains things that you should consider before shortlisting an insurance CE provider. Read on!

Courses should be State-Approved

The first thing you should notice is whether the offered courses are state-approved. Almost every state now requires professionals to fulfill a subject-particular insurance CE course as a part of their CE recruitments. It usually includes long-term care CE continuing education training, annuities training, ethics training, and flood insurance training. So, whenever you choose an insurance CE provider, make sure it offers state-approved courses. 


Mode of Education along with Support

As mentioned in the beginning, time is the big issue for insurance professionals. So, the next thing you should consider is the course delivery method and customer support. May insurance CE providers offer self-study online mode to make learning easier at the convenience of insurance agents. Customer support is crucial because imagine you forgot your password and need to check the status of your insurance CE course, you provider must provide assistance not just for this situation, but any help you need regarding online CE course.

Courses CE Package Covers

Many insurance CE providers offer “All CE” in one package at discounted price. So, before you get overwhelmed with offer, do check what the course CE package covers. For instance, if you need to get long term care (CE) continuing education, it must be included in that package. Otherwise, it will be useless to you. Apart from it, also check the features they offer with CE package.

Online Printable Certificates

It is important to check whether the iowa insurance CE continuing education provider offer services for complimentary next-day reporting and online printable certificates. Choose an insurance CE provider that understands the significance of reporting insurance CE course and offers quick access to their certificate of completion.


Follow the points as mentioned above to select the right insurance CE provider because it is crucial for profession.

Thursday, March 30, 2017

Benefits Of Workplace Continuous Education

Undoubtedly, returning to school benefits employees in several ways. Be it to become more proficient in current job or reserve a better chance for promotion, continuing education always helps a person in acquiring additional skills and knowledge.
The benefits of continuing education programs are not just limited to employees; even employers who encourage their employees for continuing education get benefit-ted in variety of ways. Their workforce becomes more qualified, educated and well trained who helps companies achieve long-term profitability. In some cases, employees are required to keep themselves updated with the current industry trends, and that is why they opt for the required continuing education programs, for example, Annuity Suitability CE Continuing Education has been designed to meet the Florida DFS requirement for senior transaction.
Let us get to know what the benefits of continuing education are.

Increased profits

Continuing education implies that employees are familiar with the latest trends and innovations in the industry. It makes them able to apply their education for the benefit of company. It means that with these innovations an organization can stand ahead of their competitors and increase its profitability. 


Employees who are aware of the latest advancements in their profession can undoubtedly lead the company in improving productivity via implementation of new methods. When an employee goes back to school, the learner awakens inside him/her, and it makes them more creative. A more active mind means the task will be performed quickly. The hours saved in production will obviously add up to the overall profit of the company.

Employee retention

Employees who are given an educational chance feel valued. It also makes them feel that the perfect to stay with the company as they get an opportunity to successfully complete a CE course without changing their job. If the cost of recruitment of a qualified employee is taken account, retention is a prime factor that let a business grow and prosper in today’s competitive environment. Thus, the company gains by a qualified worker and the employee gains through CE programs. 

Employee empowerment

Education leads to employee empowerment through greater engagement. Plus, it also motivates employees to take on leadership role in a company.
There are plenty of benefits of earning additional degrees and be it adult or working professionals, one may return to school at any age.